Sexual Misconduct Investigations at Princeton University

Fitzrandolph Gate

Princeton University is committed to investigating and adjudicating Title IX Sexual Harassment and University Sexual Misconduct matters in a manner that is fair and equitable to all parties involved.  This website is designed to help students, faculty, and staff members navigate these investigation processes.

The Title IX Sexual Harassment policy and University Sexual Misconduct policy are the official procedures by which University grievance processes are implemented and they should be read together and consulted for details about the processes.  Parties to Title IX Sexual Harassment and University Sexual Misconduct cases are therefore strongly encouraged to read the University’s Title IX Sexual Harassment policy and University Sexual Misconduct policy.

Support Resources

There are numerous support resources for those who have experienced sexual misconduct and/or those who are involved in sexual misconduct investigations.  This section provides information regarding these resources.

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Filing a Complaint

A complainant has many reporting options, both internally (to the University and externally (to law enforcement).  This section provides information regarding internal and external reporting options.

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Information for Parties

This section provides information regarding for complainants and respondents regarding the sexual misconduct investigation process, including Choosing an Adviser, the Investigation Process, the Appeal Process, and Conflicts of Interest.

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