Filing an Internal Report

Anyone who seeks to make a make a report may file an internal report with the Title IX coordinator, thereby invoking the University’s internal disciplinary process.

To make a report:

Upon filing a report, you will be contacted by the Office of Gender Equity & Title IX Administration and invited to meet to discuss potential options.  If you were interested in pursuing further options, you would be asked to file a formal complaint, at which point an initial assessment would be conducted by the University Sexual Misconduct/Title IX Coordinator in order to determine appropriate next steps (which may include proceeding to a formal investigation/adjudication under the Title IX Sexual Harassment policy or the University Sexual Misconduct policy, proceeding to an alternate resolution, or being referred to another University office). 

For more information, see section IV of the Title IX Sexual Harassment policy and section IV of the University Sexual Misconduct policy.

No “Statute of Limitations”

There is no “statute of limitations” on filing a report or formal complainant of Title IX Sexual Harassment or University Sexual Misconduct with the University, and complainants may report a concern at any time.  However, complainants and other reporting individuals are encouraged to report any violation of policy as soon as possible in order to maximize the University’s ability to respond promptly and effectively. Moreover, if the respondent is no longer a student or employee at the time of the report or formal complaint, the University may not be in a position to gather evidence sufficient to reach a determination as to the formal complaint and/or the University may not be able to take disciplinary action against the respondent. However, the University will still seek to provide support for the complainant and seek to take steps to end the prohibited behavior, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects.

For more information, see section VI(3) of the Title IX Sexual Harassment policy and section VI(3) of the University Sexual Misconduct policy.